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Spread and Preservation of Chinese Divination in Mongolian, 14th–17th Centuries: The Documents of Dunhuang, Turfan, Qara Qota and Xarbuxyn Balgas

Pages 133 - 153


The Mongolian blockprinted documents discovered in Turfan contained several fragments of a calendar dating from the 14th century which had been translated from the Chinese. This is one of the indicators that the Mongolian elite of the Yuan empire used traditional forms of Chinese legitimation to reinforce their supremacy in the eyes of the Mongolian populace. After the Yuan dynasty collapsed, the translated calendars disappeared. However, the Chinese divination methods of the calendars had not been abandoned and were used within by the Mongolian public in straight chronological sequence until their “re-introduction” during the Qing period. The evidence found in the birch bark manuscripts from Xarbuxyn Balgas proves that this tradition continued beyond the end of the Yuan, determined by popular Mongolian choice rather than their rulers' interests.

本文解釋如何元代卜文日曆(具注日曆)在蒙古社會得人意。 明朝以來翻譯成蒙文的日曆愈來愈少,但具注日曆的傳統照前一樣普遍。 大清帝國設立以來具注日曆翻譯文再次開始傳播,並不因外來政權要求而是因為蒙古老百姓甘心情願地繼續用此一華夏的曆法。 本文章所討論的蒙古白樺樹皮文件就是中國曆法傳統長期通俗的例子。

Tung Wah College 東華學院, Hong Kong

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