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Tangut 顯 跼 mjı̵1 ljı̵ı̵1, 顯 睢 mjı̵1 njwi2 ‘cannot’ and beyond

Seiten 27 - 51

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/centasiaj.57.2014.0027

Exploring a dead language such as Tangut relies heavily on Tangut-Chinese translations, thus a certain degree of uncertainty is inevitable. Due to the unavailability of natural spoken data, we can only reach to an intermediate step of grammar description. The conclusion claimed in this paper is text-oriented and based entirely on currently available textual data. However, despite our understanding of existing syntactic distinction between modal verbs and non-modal verbs, the identification of the Tangut modal verbs still depends heavily on the semantics of the corresponding Chinese texts. Hence, we may have to hold a more reserved attitude toward the question as to whether such a distinction is a natural (and internal) phenomenon of Tangut grammar. The last concern of this intermediate conclusion is, the observation and analysis of the modal verbs discussed in this paper are restricted to Tangut-Chinese translation texts. It is necessary to examine the theory proposed here with Tangut-Tibetan translation data, in pursuit of a more reliable and accurate description of Tangut syntax.

本文由《法華經》以 店 許 顯 跼 zjı̵ı̵r2 lju̲1 mjı̵1 ljı̵ı̵1 對譯「水不能漂」,及其後的 軛 名 顯 睢 məə1 lu2 mjı̵1 njwi2 對譯「火不能燒」的解讀,牽引出西夏語的 顯 跼 mjı̵1 ljı̵ı̵1 :顯 睢 mjı̵1 njwi2 「不能」之辨。再由 跼 ljı̵ı̵1 與 球 rjir1、起 rjir2、戰 rjor1、噱 rjor2 的相對關係,延伸論述西夏語能願動詞 睢 njwi2、跼 ljı̵ı̵1、忒 kjir2、氕 wji̲2 與動詞論元的人稱呼應。


(一)西夏語分用 顯 跼 mjı̵1 ljı̵ı̵1:顯 睢 mjı̵1 njwi2「不能」,似為修辭的手段。(二)西夏語的 球 rjir1/戰 rjor1 與 起 rjir2/噱 rjor2 ,理論上應該要存在語法的差異;我們分析大量具體的對譯語料,卻得不出區分的語法條件。(三)西夏語的 跼 ljı̵ı̵1 與 忒 kjir2 有相對的語法分際。跼 ljı̵ı̵1 通常表示客觀性的 ‘能力、可能性’,忒 kjir2 則多表示主觀性的能願。

(四)西夏語的能願動詞 睢 njwi2 、跼 ljı̵ı̵1 、忒 kjir2 、氕 wji̲2 ,只與主語呼應,不論其為單複數,及其是否為第一/二人稱或第三人稱。

(五)本文觀察,西夏語的 杖 mji1 否定一般動詞、顯 mjı̵1 否定能願動詞,沒有例外。此一形式條件,可望成為西夏語動詞下位範疇分類的標準之一。

Academia Sinica 中研院語言所, Taiwan

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