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Christianity, Magic and Politics in Qing and Republican China

Seiten 89 - 105

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/centasiaj.58.1-2.0089

The article sets out to highlight aspects of religious life which represent continuity between ‘imperial’ and ‘modern’ China, with a particular focus on Christianity. Contrasted with the religious edifice constructed by the early Qing administrations, the role of Christianity increased in vitality even during periods of tight government control and local suppression campaigns. The complex symbolic nature of the officially authorised cults within the Qing empire, as well as the perceived danger of popular Buddhist movements both directly affected China's Christians – in particular those belonging to the Manchu Banner clans. The article will also shed light on the continuing trends within modern China, extending into the volatile 1920s.

本篇以清代、民國宗教認同為題,亦且以研究天主、基督教所受的影響。雍、 乾時期以來的天主教徒平常沒有任何問題地繼續拜天主、誦彌撒,只有由於中 央政府反對民間佛教運動的壓迫政策會發生不同的教難,特別若是屬於滿族旗 人的教徒。清代宗教政策反映本朝多民族社會的複雜性,在當代中國不是有同 樣的情況嗎?

School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London

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