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Takeuchi, Tsuguhito 武內紹人 and Iuchi, Maho 井內真帆, Tibetan texts from Khara-Khoto in the Stein Collection of the British Library. (Studia Tibetica No 48; Studies in Old Tibetan Texts from Central Asia, vol. 2), Tokyo: The Toyo Bunko 東洋文庫, 2016; 267, indices, plates; ISBN 9784809702839.

Pages 289 - 292


Renmin University of China 中國人民大學 (Beijing)

1 For a recently edited version, see Каталог тангутских буддийских памятников Института востоковедения Российской Академии наук. Составитель Е. И. Кычанов. Вступи тельная статья Т. Нисида. Издание подготовлено С. Аракава [A Catalogue of the Tangut Buddhist Texts in the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Oriental Studies., Compiled by E. I. Kychanov, introduction by T. Nishida, prepared for publication by S. Arakawa], Kyoto: University of Kyoto, 1999.


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