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On the Language of the Argippaei: An Ancient Predecessor of Mongolic? // Ἀργιππαῖοι 民族的語言:蒙古語言古代的祖先?

Pages 19 - 49


The aim of the present study is to show that the language of the Argippaei, first mentioned by Herodotus, is related to the Mongolic and Para-Mongolic languages. This conviction is based on four words given by Herodotus, which are ἄσχυ, ποντικόν, Ἀργιππαῖοι and Ἀριμασποί / Ἀριμάσπεα. Ἄσχυ, which is the name of a drink in the Argippaean language, is a cognate of the Mongolic *esüg, which is similarly used to signify sour beverages and koumiss. Ποντικύς, which is the name of the tree the fruits of which were used to produce ἄσχυ, is related to the Mongolic monasun ‘bird cherry’. This article will link the above terms with Old Uygur, 鮮卑 Xianbei and Pre-Proto-Mongolic, in order to reconstruct elements of the language of the Argippaei.

古代希臘歷史學家希羅多德 (Ἡρόδοτος) 兩千五百年前提到了關於中亞地區 食品和飲料的幾個詞,這些詞彙來自亞洲的 Ἀργιππαῖοι 民族。而此些詞彙在亞 洲其他民族語言中也能找到同源詞。本文通過對這些詞彙及古回鶻語、鮮卑語 及山谷蒙古語的分析來重構 Ἀργιππαῖοι 語的語言元素。

Beykent University – Beykent Üniversitesi (İstanbul)

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