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The Impact of the Mongol Vengeance System on Sedentary Peoples

Pages 163 - 180


This paper will argue that the historical influence of nomads on sedentary societies (notably China and Persia) has been profound, contrary to received wisdom, which is especially true in the realm of law. Since most extant legal sources in China and in Persia are written from a sedentary perspective, they give only limited insight into the workings of Mongol practice. This article is therefore based on a close re-reading of the available chronicles and other extra-legal material. The nomadic Mongols, founders of the largest continental empire, had no legal specialists, no law books and no courts of law. Yet, the Mongol vengeance system governed society by firm rules, and the lasting influence of this system can be testified in three aspects. Firstly, in transnational terms, peoples who the Mongols perceived as having refused to submit were in fact dealt with by legal documents based on the logic of vengeance. Secondly, the vengeance system shaped the legal structures within the Mongol empire. In both Persia and China, culprits were often not executed by the authorities but rather handed over to their sworn enemies, to prevent vengeance from being directed against the khans. Finally, personal vengeance was to some extent accepted, and in Yuan China it was codified in law that sons who avenged the killing of their fathers were merely to be punished by a monetary fine. The effects of such small yet significant legal changes lasted throughout the late imperial era.

本文認為游牧民族對農耕社會的影響並不少,特別關於蒙古族所控制的中國及 波斯。由於大部分歷史的材料多是從農耕文化的角度編纂的,本文以編年史和 其他法外資料為主。談到法律方面,歷代的蒙古游牧民族沒有法律專家、書籍 、或法院,然而法律在蒙族後來建設的大帝國的影響卻不小。古代蒙古雖然缺 乏律師、成文法、法院等法律制度的象徵,但是懲處傳統表達一種由規則和治 理社會統治的制度,歸類於三種方面。其一是外交:被蒙古認為“不忠”的部 落或國家以屬於懲處制度的命令而處置,命令文件實際上含有具體的法律性。 其二是政治:懲處制度影響了蒙古帝國以及後來波斯和中國帝國的法律系統, 匪徒往往不是直接被處決,而是交給他們一直以來的敵人,以捍衛可汗的安危 。其三是社會觀:以懲處自己父親的謀殺案,一位“孝子”在元明清時代由於 受到弒父的某種法律保護,他僅被處予罰款而免於遭受其他刑罰的懲處。

Renmin University / 中國人民大學 (Beijing)

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