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Vignettes of Buddhist Asceticism: Jottings on Six Fragments in Tocharian B*

Ruixuan Chen

Seiten 217 - 256

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/CAJ/2018/2/3

This paper consists of a disquisition on six fragments of an otherwise unknown
text in Tocharian B, which centers on the Buddhist purification practices known
as Skt. dhutaguṇa or Pāli dhutaṅga. Adopting a
contextualist approach to the fragmentary text, which is translated and
annotated in its entirety for the first time, this study draws on numerous
textual sources and ethnographic records with reference to kindred ideas and
praxis in various strands of Buddhism and, it is hoped, sheds new light not only
on the content and structure of this text per se but also on
the religio-historical context in which it was transmitted, and its function and
purpose in that milieu.

本文詳考龜茲語殘片六葉。所有這些殘片出自於一部以佛教頭陀行 (梵語 dhutaguṇa、 巴利語
dhutaṅga) 為中心的文獻,孤本僅存。本文首次公佈該文獻殘
篇完整的英譯及匯注;與此同時,採用語境論研究法,廣泛徵引佛教諸派所傳 關涉頭陀行思想與實踐之資料,在探究該文獻的字句文脈之餘,試圖重構其宗

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