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Coins Convey a Message: Numismatic Evidence for Sogdian Christianity

Barakatullo Ashurov

Pages 257 - 295


This article examines numismatic evidence and aims to enquire what can be said
about the history of Christianity in mediaeval Sogdiana between the
5th and the 9th centuries. The article will focus on
Sogdian coins displaying Christian iconography, especially the cross. The
Christian semantic of the cross in Sogdian coins is analysed on the basis of a
comparative art historical examination with other regions where the cross was
used as a conventional symbol for Christianity. Rather than concentrating on its
monetary value, the prime interest will be on the historical, socio-cultural and
religious contexts of Sogdian coinage and its representative role in relation to
Christianity. Sogdian coins bearing Christian motifs have been found at
Varakhsha, Paykent, Qum-Sovtan, Afrāsiāb, Panjikent and Osrušana, and their
circulation was putatively limited to the regions where they were discovered.
Hence, they appear to have been local currencies, used for local commercial

本文研究粟特貨幣的歷史,以及探索唐代中亞的早期基督教.它集中討論粟特 貨幣如何展示基督教的十字架以及其他宗教藝術。粟特貨幣的十字架是以基督
教語義被分析。因此本文主要著墨於歷史、社會、文化以及宗教方面,經濟方 面是比較次要的。文章的地理範圍涵蓋彭吉肯特、沙赫里薩布茲、河中等這些

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