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Elements of Turkic Mythology in the Tibetan Document P.T. 1283

Hayrettin İhsan Erkoç

Seiten 297 - 311

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/centasiaj.61.2.0297

The well-known Tibetan document P.T. 1283 is a unique historical source that
contains significant information about mid-8th century Central Asia.
Discovered at Dunhuang 敦煌 in 1908, P.T. 1283 is kept today in the collection
Pelliot tibétain at the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris. One side of
the document is in Chinese and the other side contains two different Tibetan
texts. The title of the second Tibetan text, Byang phyogs na rgyal po du
bzhugs pa'i rabs gyi yi geo (BNP)
, was translated into English by
Venturi as Text on the sequence of however many kings live in the
, containing several myths belonging to the Türk (Tujue 突厥,
Göktürks) and Kyrgyz. In conclusion, the Turkic myths narrated in P.T. 1283 are
reflections of a very large collection of Central Asian folk beliefs,
exemplified in numerous historical sources.

在學界聞名的 PT1283藏文文件,是記載唐代中亞地區歷史的一份獨一無二的 歷史文獻。此件文獻在一九〇八年於敦煌被發現,目前被巴黎法國國立圖書館
收藏於其伯希和藏文藏書庫。它的正面是用中文所寫成,背面收錄了兩篇藏文 文獻,其中第二篇描述突厥與吉爾吉斯民族的神話。總而言之, PT1283這份藏

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