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Unmarked Accusative and Genitive after Possessive Suffixes in Tuvan

Henryk Jankowski

Seiten 13 - 26

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/centasiaj.62.1.0013

The aim of this paper is to examine the lack of accusative and genitive suffixes
after possessive suffixes in Tuvan. In the studies these cases are called
unmarked. The omission of the accusative and genitive suffixes is untypical of
Turkic, since a possessive suffix makes the word definite and definite object
and possessor normally require the appropriate case suffix. The analysis shows
that the unmarked accusative is often found after the first person singular and
plural as well as the second person singular suffix. It is also encountered
after the second person plural suffix which in relation to a single addressee is
in fact polite singular. However, after the third person possessive suffixes the
unmarked accusative is required if the object is definite. The unmarked genitive
occurs after the first person singular and plural, and the second person
singular possessive suffixes, while after the second person plural suffix it is
less frequent. It may be argued that the accusative and genitive suffixes are
dropped for economy, except for the third persons in the case of the accusative.
There are also some restrictions on the unmarked genitive related to possessive
suffixes, attributes and other cases discussed.


本文的目的是研究圖瓦語所有格後綴中缺少賓格和格後綴。在研究中,這些情 況稱為未標記。賓語和賓格後綴的省略在突厥語中並不典型,因為所有格後綴
使詞“確定”和“被確定”,通常需要適當的後綴。本文分析結果表明,無標 記的賓語通常在第一人稱單數和復數以及第二人稱單數後綴之後很會找到。在
第二人稱複數後綴(反正比較禮貌的單數)之後也會遇到該問題。但是,在第 三人稱所有格後綴之後,如果對像是確定的,則需要未標記的賓格。未標記的
所有格出現在第一人稱單數和復數以及第二人稱單數所有格後綴之後,而在第 二人稱複數後綴之後出現的頻率較低。從經濟方面而講,我們可以辯論賓語和
賓語後綴被除去,除了賓語第三人稱意外。對於與所有格後綴、屬性和其他情 況相關的未標記的屬格也有限制。

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