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Han Migrant Farmers in Qing Inner Mongolia. Reluctant Pioneers or Human Great Wall?

Pages 119 - 140


This article examines the migration and settlement of Han farmers in Inner
Mongolia during the late Qing period (1644–1911), a topic which in this form has
not yet been been dealt with in depth in the English literature on Qing or
Mongolian history. However, the author argues that the presence of large numbers
of Han settlers has been one of the major historical forces that have
transformed modern Inner Mongolia, and its effects are still palpable today.

The presence of Han settlements in great numbers was an outcome desired by none
of the concerned parties: the Qing court, the Mongolian banners and the Han
settlers themselves. Rather than any imperial design or grand strategy, this was
the product of the convergence of diverse factors: geography, societal
transformation, human greed and an instinct to survive.


清代 (1644–1911) 漢族農民遷徙至內蒙古並定居的歷史,英文史藉鮮有深入的 探究。然而,本文認為,大量漢族移民的存在,實為近代內蒙古發展的重要動
力之一,其影響至今猶明顯可見。本文旨在對此史事作深入考察。大量漢族移 民在內蒙古定居,實非有關各方--清廷、蒙古王公乃至漢族移民本身--始料所
及。此實由於各項因素--地理、社會、經濟、及掙扎求存的匯聚所致;而非任 何帝國宏圖或策略所造成。

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