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Wheeler M. Thackston (transl./ed.), Classical Writings of the Medieval Islamic World: Persian histories of the Mongol dynasties, London: I.B. Tauris, 2012; vol. I, pp. iv, 222; vol. II, pp. xxvi, 672; vol. III, pp. xxiii, 586; ISBN 9781780760544 (set).

George Lane

Seiten 301 - 306

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/CAJ/2019/2/13

SOAS, University of London

1 Bernard Lewis, “The Mongols, the Turks, and the Muslim Polity”, Islam in History (Open Court, Chicago and La Salle, Illinois, 1993), pp.189–208.

2 The Legacy of Genghis Khan: Courtly Arts and Culture in Western Asia, 1256–1353, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5 November 2002–16 February 2003.

3 “The Impact of the Mongol Invasions on Iran, Iraq and Central Asia: A Revaluation”, The Indo-Mongolian Society Lecture at New York University, 12 March 1997.

4 Juwayni, tr. J.A. Boyle, Genghis Khan: The History of the World Conqueror (Manchester: Manchester University Press & Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 1997).

5 Dorethea Krawulsky, The Mongol Ilkhans and their Vizier Rashid Al-Din, (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2011).


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