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The Horse in Bohai and Jurchen Societies - Based on Osteological Studies from the Southern Part of the Russian Far East

Alexander Alexeevich Kim (Алексеевич Ким Александр)

Pages 155 - 164


The horse played an important historical role in Bohai and Jurchen societies. Both the Bohai and the Jurchen peoples were originally nomadic groups and used horses intensively for military activity, hunting, transport and for sacral aims, too. However, the horses used in both societies were small in size and did until relatively recently not exist in the Russian Far East. The goal of this work is to deliberate by means of osteologial and historical analysis the origins of the medieval horse in the Russian Far East.

馬在渤海和女真社會中發揮了重要的歷史作用。渤海以及女真民族原來屬於游 牧社會,馬集約地用於軍事活動、狩獵、運輸和祭祀。然而,兩個社會使用的 馬體型都很小,直到最近才在俄羅斯遠東地區不存在。本文的目標是通過骨學 和歷史分析來探討俄羅斯遠東地區中世紀馬的起源。

Владивостoкский Госудaрственный Университет Эконoмики и Сeрвиса

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