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Addenda zu CAJ 40 (2). 1996, pp. 178-187

Michael Knüppel

Seiten 249 - 253

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/centasiaj.64.1-2.0249

University of Liochng

1 Horn, W. W.; Boodberg, P. A.; Schafer, Edward H.: In memoriam. Otto John Maenchen. University of California, Dec. 1970; The National Cyclopedia of American Biography 54. Clifton, NJ 1973, p. 550; Contemporary Authors 109. 1983, p. 294; Rder, Werner; Strauss, Herbert A. (Hrsgg.): International Biographical Dictionary of Central European Emigrs 1933-1945. Bd. 2: 2. Mnchen 1983, p. 761; Franke, Herbert: Maenchen-Helfen, Otto. In: NDB 15. 1987, p. 636; Hickman, M. In: Oriental Art: a quarterly publication devoted to the study of all forms of Oriental art 1971, p. 183; Directory of American Scholars 3. Detroit, New York 1957, p. 485.

2 Gbl, R.: Otto Maenchen-Helfen, 1894-1969. In: CAJ 13. 1969, pp. 75-77.

3 King, Charles: The Huns and Central Asia: a bibliography of Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen. In: CAJ 40 (2). 1996, pp. 178-187.

4 Ibid., p. 179, Anm. 2.


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