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Governing Suiyuan 1900–1945

Yingzi Wang

Pages 265 - 284


The history of Suiyuan is not generally known today, which adds to the value of studying Suiyuan. In the Qing era, as part of the imperial frontiers, Suiyuan was strategically important and Suiyuan city had meaningful military and administrative roles. Since the 20th century, interference from Russia and Japan in the Mongolian regions increased already existing ethnic conflicts in Suiyuan, until a crisis in this area became predictable and in turn accelerated profound changes in administrative organisation. Successive governments turned Suiyuan into a Special Administrative Region in 1914, followed by the establishment as a province in 1928. Finally, in 1954, the People’s Republic of China abolished the Suiyuan, Chahar and Rehe provinces, and established the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The name ‘Suiyuan’, as an administrative and geographical region, disappeared. This article examines the relationship between ethnic minorities in Mongolia and the Chinese state by analysing the process in which Suiyuan developed from a city into a province, and then finally became part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The gradual provincialisation of Suiyuan eventually created the conditions for modern state integration.


如今,知道綏遠歷史的人越來越少,這使得研究綏遠的價值不如它的歷史意義那樣被重視。在清朝,作為邊疆的一部分,綏遠在戰略上很重要,綏遠城對軍事和行政事務都有重要意義。自20 世紀以來,俄羅斯和日本對蒙古地區的干涉,加劇了綏遠已有的民族矛盾,綏遠的危機是可以預見的,這反過來也加速了行政組織的深刻變化。繼任的政府在1914 年將綏遠變成一個特別行政區,隨後在1928 年建立了一個省。最後在1954 年,中華人民共和國廢除了綏遠、察哈爾和熱河三省,並建立了內蒙古自治區。作為行政和地理區域的『綏遠』這個名字消失了。本文通過分析綏遠從一個城市發展為一個省,最後成為內蒙古自治區一部分的過程,來研究蒙古少數民族與國家之間的關係。綏遠的逐步省級化最終為現代國家一體化創造了條件。


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