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On the Etymology of Common Turkic elt- ‘to carry, to bring’

Orçun Ünal

Seiten 17 - 26

The present paper discusses the etymology of Common Turkic elt- ~ elit- ~ elät- ~ älit- ~ älät- ‘to carry, to bring’ and argues that it goes back to Proto-Turkic *päli- ‘to go (away)’, which was borrowed as *päli- ‘to go’ into Tungusic. Common Turkic älkin ~ yälkin ‘traveller’ and Khalaj hⁱēḷ inti ‘prostitute’ are considered derivations of *häli- (< *päli-).

論普通突厥語 elt 的字源學—“攜帶、帶來”

本文討論常見突厥語 elt- ~ elit- ~ elät- ~ älit- ~ älät-“攜帶、帶來”的詞源,並認 為它可以追溯到原始突厥語*巴利-“走(去)” ,被借用為*巴利語-「進入」通 古斯語。 常見突厥語 älkin ~ yälkin「旅人」和 Khalaj hⁱẹ̄linti「妓女」被認為 是 *häli- (< *päli-) 的衍生字。



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