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Jahrgang 64 (2021), Ausgabe 1-2




Mongolic Historical and Comparative Linguistics: State-of-the-Art and Recent Advances

Pavel Rykin (Рыкин П. О.)

Seite 1 - 38

Who were the Narrators of the Old Turkic Inscriptions? A Study of the Küli Čor and Tariat (Terh) Inscriptions

Erhan Aydın

Seite 39 - 48

tüg(ü)zl(ü)g (a)t(ı)γ - eine neue Lesart zu tög(ü)nl(ü)g (a)t(ı)γ in den Tuñuquq-Inschriften (II, Ostseite 4 [= Kolumne 54])

Erdem Uçar

Seite 49 - 55

Nuances of Disappearing and Destroying in Tocharian A: The Semantics of the Verbs näk-, wik-, mänt-, spärk-, nut-, and musk-

Maksim V. Vyzhlakov (Выжлаков Максим В.)

Seite 75 - 102

錫伯人族群意識的萌芽 以伊犁河流域的錫伯為中心


Seite 103 - 118

Jerim League during the Late Qing Reforms (1907–1911) as a Case Study of Late Imperial China's Frontier Policy and Inter-Ethnic Administration

Wang Yingzi (汪 穎子)

Seite 119 - 132

Ila, Qada, and Qu the Hunchback: Three Jin Generals in Mongol Historiography

Christopher P. Atwood

Seite 133 - 153

The Horse in Bohai and Jurchen Societies - Based on Osteological Studies from the Southern Part of the Russian Far East

Alexander Alexeevich Kim (Алексеевич Ким Александр)

Seite 155 - 164

Rulership and Representations: Reconsidering the Religious Identity of Prince Ananda

Liu Haiwei (劉 海威)

Seite 165 - 181

The Association between the Descendants of Sufi Saint Sayyid Ata and the Khans of Khiva at the Beginning of the 19th Century

Shioya Akifumi (塩谷 哲史)

Seite 183 - 195

Этнополитическая история, родоплеменной состав и культура племени «Ас» («Аз») в Центральной Евразии

Nurken E. Kuzembayev (Кузембаев Нуркен Е.)

Seite 197 - 236


Ein Brief von Hans Conon von der Gabelentz an Bernhard Jülg

Hartmut Walravens

Seite 245 - 247

Addenda zu CAJ 40 (2). 1996, pp. 178-187

Michael Knüppel

Seite 249 - 253

research-article - in memoriam

Manfred Taube (1928–2021) in memoriam

Hartmut Walravens

Seite 255 - 265

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