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Christian Literature in Manchu

Seiten 197 - 224

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/centasiaj.58.1-2.0197

The crucial question of this article, namely whether the Manchu mission from the eighteenth century onwards required texts prepared in Manchu at all, has been raised frequently, with most authors adopting a negative answer. There may well be a justification for such a negative interpretation, but what can be said with certainty is that there was always a certain demand for Christian texts, be it for use at court, be it in order to reach out to the many banner families who still cultivated the language as part of their cultural tradition. These Christian texts in Manchu are therefore the topic of this contribution.

滿文的基督、天主教文件自清朝中葉以來到底有什麻具體作用?既然旗人的滿 文知識愈來愈淺,何必將宗教教義翻譯成滿文?本篇文章有積極的一種答應, 因而以介紹此類文件為題。

Sinologist & Librarian, Berlin

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