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In Defence of Nian Gengyao, or: What to Do about Sources on Manchu Language Incompetence?

Seiten 59 - 87

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/centasiaj.58.1-2.0059

This article is an attempt to evaluate the mostly negative statements on Manchu language competence within the Qing empire since the Yongzheng era. Both Chinese and Manchus, in addition to resident foreigners, were often politically motivated and did not provide accurate descriptions of the actual linguistic situation.

本篇文章重新分析雍正時期以來滿族旗人的滿文知識,主張平常不積極的同時 西方評論到底很有偏見而且不客觀。文章認為滿語課程實際上到處都有,清朝 漢人以及西方商人和傳教士本來已有很不積極的一種焦點,因而他們的文件不 可能代表實事的情況。

Freie Universität Berlin

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