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Untangling the Chaghadaids: Why we should and should not trust Rashīd al-Dīn

Stefan Kamola

Seiten 69 - 90

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/centasiaj.62.1.0069

The internal dynastic politics of the Chaghadaid ulus between
the death of Chaghadai and the rise of Qaidu has remained a poorly understood
corner in the history of Mongol Central Asia. As part of this obscurity, the
structure of the Chaghadaid family has resisted efforts at reconstruction, since
our sources present conflicting accounts of the number and order of Chaghadai’s
descendants. This article discusses four versions of the Chaghadaid family tree
found in different manuscript lines of Rashīd al-Dīn’s Tārīkh-i
Mubārak-i Ghāzānī
, and offers some guidance in how to make sense of
his changing presentation of the early history of the ulus.
While Rashīd al-Dīn continued to add valuable information to his history as it
came to light, he also elaborated or even invented certain changes for political
reasons. As a result, each version of the family tree of the Chaghadaids
contributes uniquely to our understanding of the period and of the composition
of Rashīd al-Dīn’s history.


察合台王室內的宮廷政治至今算是鮮為人知的中亞蒙古史研究題目。正如我們 的資料所顯示,關於察合台王室後裔數量及其歷代順序的文獻存在著好多不明
確、甚至相互矛盾之處,並為有關察合台王室家庭結構的研究增添不少困難. 本文探討在拉施德丁所著的《蒙古汗家史》( ازاني ارک غ اریخ مب ت)
裡所提及察 合台王室的四個不同版本家譜,並會建議如何理解拉施德丁針對早期察合台王 室歷史充滿著變化的陳述.當拉施德丁為這段歷史增加了詳細資料之時,他也

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