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Ph. J. von Strahlenberg und seine Karte der Grossen Tatarei (zwei Briefe Strahlenbergs an J.Ph. Breyne, 1723 und 1724)

L. D. Bondaŕ, V. B. Borodaev, W. Lehfeldt, Hartmut Walravens, A. V. Zorin

Seiten 121 - 149

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/CAJ/2022/1-2/10

This contribution introduces two letters sent by Ph.J. von Strahlenberg (1676–1747) from Stockholm to Danzig to the famous scholar and collector J.Ph. Breyne (1680– 1764), in 1723 and 1724. Their aim was to get support in locating funds for the production of a new map of the Russian Empire. It was supposed to surpass all previous ones, including earlier ones compiled by Strahlenberg himself, in terms of accuracy and completeness of information, especially in relation to the vast territories in the east. The data was collected by Strahlenberg and his co-author J.A. Matern during their stay in Siberia (Tobolsk) as Swedish prisoners of war. The former happened to take part in the expedition of D.G. Messerschmidt, who in turn allowed him to make the acquaintance of J.Ph. Breyne. The letters contain important information about the initial stages of work on the map, and especially about Strahlenberg’s attempts to raise money for it by announcing a subscription. As to Breyne, Strahlenberg counted on his authority among Europe‘s educated elite. The letters are preserved in the Gotha Research Library (Germany) and are published here for the first time. The presentation of the letters themselves is preceded by an introduction containing a survey of Strahlenberg’s cartographic activities. Furthermore, several documents preserved in the St. Petersburg Branch of the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences have been used.

博士菲利普·約翰·馮·史托蘭伯和他的大韃靼地圖(Strahlenberg 寫給 J.Ph.Breyne 兩封信。1723 年和1724 年)

這篇文章介紹菲利普·約翰·馮·史托蘭伯博士以及他的大韃靼地圖發送的兩 封信。博士菲利普·約翰·馮·史托蘭伯(1676–1747)當瑞典皇家軍隊的軍官,在俄國淪為戰俘後十餘年給沙皇從事地理調查,大量貢獻實行對於俄羅斯的 地圖製作。本文介紹馮·史托蘭伯自斯德哥爾摩送到但澤到著名學者和收藏家 J.Ph.Breyne(1680–1764 年)之兩封信,與清朝雍正時代初年同時,西曆 1723、1724 年間。信函保存在德國哥達研究圖書館,於本學刊首次而出版。 本文保括馮·史托蘭伯科學工作,其中包含對約翰·馮·史托蘭伯製圖活動的 調查。此外,作者使用俄羅斯科學院檔案館聖彼得堡分館的幾份文件。


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