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An Opinion on the Meaning of the Name ‘Ruanruan’

Seiten 35 - 40

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/centasiaj.56.2013.0035

The ethnical affiliation and origin of the ethnonym ‘Ruanruan’ remains obscure,
despite their historical importance and despite the excellent work done in recent research. Some
early interpretations can be gleaned from early Chinese sources, namely the dynastic histories of
the Han successor states, as well as the Tong Dian or Tong Zhi.
For all names recorded in Chinese sources, Turkic, Mongolian and Persian sources were examined, such
as the Oğuz Kağan Destani, Yuan Chao Bi Shi, Cami'üt
and the Şecere-i Terakime. This article combines
etymological methods with historical and geographical scrutiny, linking up our knowledge of the
Ruanruan with that of the neighbouring peoples, including the early Turks.


Istanbul niversitesi / Istanbul University

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