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The Manchu Language “Ula region Map” // 滿文《烏喇等處地方圖》考

Pages 179 - 238



In the year of 1689, the Qing and Russian empires concluded the Treaty of Nerchinsk. The following year, Heilongjiang General Sabsu and Ningguta General Bahai reorganised their armies into nine battalions, and proceeded to the Amur River valley for inspecting the border. After that, the inspection of the border had become institutionalised, with the annual inspections to the north of the Amur River serving as a model for settling border disputes with Russia. Many instruments and maps in Manchu have survived, albeit only known to a small circle of scholars.

This paper discusses the “Ula region Map”, kept at the National Palace Museum in Taibei, which was directly used for the inspection of the lower reaches of the Amur River, as well as the basin of the Henggun River and Tuhuru River. Sources from Manchu archives detail the inspection plans of the nine battalions, the structure of the armies, as well as of the “Great Qing unification project” of the Kangxi period. The region of Heilongjiang, its mountains and rivers, checkpoints, monuments, local products, and human settlements, are explored in this map, and the link to the political ‘Qing project’ made obvious. The map was executed by Ningguta General Bahai in 1690 – in conjunction with his technical advisors, whose names are unfortunately unknown. To find out more about the latter will need to become a research project for the future.

(日本大阪) 追手門學院大學


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