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The Political Crisis in the Bohai State (720–732) // 渤海國的政治危機 (唐玄宗開元年間)

Pages 231 - 239


By means of historical source materials, in particular the Samguksagi 삼국사기/三國史記 (History of the Three Kingdoms), the present article tries to establish a historical
analysis of the situation in the Bohai state after 700 CE. It will be argued that the political crisis in early eighth-century Bohai had a profound influence on state and society
in Bohai. The Bohai state prior to 732 occupied a complex position within eastern Asia. The Turkic khaganate and Tang China had antagonistic relations, each side in search of
allies. While China relied on the Mohe and Shiwei for military and diplomatic support, the Turks allied themselves with Khitan tribes. Bohai entertained formal vassal relations to
both states, yet maintained an independent foreign policy. This article will focus on the internal contradictions and struggles besetting the Bohai aristocracy, as they tried to
influence both neighbours – a balancing act which lasted until war erupted with Tang China.

本文以【三國史記】等歷史文獻為主分析八世紀之後渤海國的政局。作者認爲 八世紀早期渤海國內的政治危機對於整個國家的政治及社會都有深遠影響。渤 海國在732 年身陷複雜的東亞國際格局之中,唐朝與突厥雙雄並立,都在尋找 外援。中國依靠靺鞨與室韋部落的軍事及外交能力,而突厥則與契丹聯盟。渤 海則同時臣屬與兩大強權,並嘗試去保持較爲獨立的外交政策,本文集中討論
渤海貴族階層中的內部矛盾及鬥爭,而這些內部問題都與其試圖同時影響唐朝 及突厥雙方,並最終招來唐朝戰爭的平衡外交政策有關。

PhD, Associate professor, independent scholar (Ussuriysk)

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