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Fragment of a Political Treatise in a Dunhuang School Manual

Irina F. Popova

Pages 199 - 215


The paper contains the translation and study of the fragment Дx-11656 from the
collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS, pertaining to
educational material used in a local school in the vicinity of Dunhuang under
the Tang and the Five Dynasties. The document bears the title Wu
五常 (“Five permanencies”) and includes analyses of the
categories ren 仁, yi 義, li
and zhi 智 (the xin 信 category is not
included), key virtues on which Confucian education in China was based. The
explanation of zhi (“wisdom”) contains a political remonstrance
by Wang Gui 王珪 (570–639), a dignitary of the Tang dynasty, addressed to Taizong,
the second Tang emperor (r. 626–649), supplemented with the latter's approving
reply. This text was included in modified form in the famous work of Wu Jing 吳兢
(670–749) Zhenguan zhengyao 貞觀正要 (“Essentials of government of
the Zhenguan Period”), which contains dialogues between Taizong and his
chancellors on governance and ethics. The characteristics of the other noblemen
from the beginning of the Tang era, such as Gao Shilian 高士廉, Hou Junji 侯君集,
Zhang Gongjin 張公謹 and Wei Zheng 魏徵, appear in the same fragment. The use of a
political treatise as teaching material in a remote locality is evidence of the
high standard of formal education in China during the Tang dynasty.

本文旨在研讀俄羅斯科學院東方研究所所藏的敦煌文獻之中一份相當有趣、編 號為Дх-11656的文件,它是曾經被輯錄於唐代和五代時期一所學校的教材
裡。這份殘件的標題為《五常》。由兩張紙組成,共有六十一行以楷書寫的文 字,其下部分已不復存在.它曾在一九八十年代被復修過。文件內容分為兩部
分,第一部份討論儒學五常之四項特質,即是仁、義、禮以及智(第五常‘信 ’並沒被探討)。第二部份由王珪紳士向唐太宗皇帝進諫時所呈的一份奏摺。

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