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The Medieval Legend on the Death of Timur in Otrar in the Light of Modern Research

Bereket Karibayev, Yrysbek Omarbayev, Assel Taskarayeva

Pages 277 - 286


The medieval city of Otrar in present-day Kazakhstan had an eventful history. It
gained fame as the birthplace of the intellectual Abu Nasr al-Farabi. But it is
also remembered as the venue of the “Otrar disaster”, the ill-fated events which
led to Genghis Khan's invasion of western Eurasia. This article sheds light on
the final days of Timur's life in this oasis city, where he died, en route to
China, in February 1405. Local legends are critically compared with the
historical and archaeological evidence of Timur's death, focusing on excavations
within the palace of the local governor Berdibek.

當代哈薩克斯坦南部的訛答剌考古遺址一定有很有趣的歷史。例如說訛答剌綠 洲是阿布•納斯爾•法拉比文人的出生地,而且也是蒙古第一次西征的開發點,
使成吉思汗侵略整個亞洲西南部。本文闡明訛答剌綠洲歷史上另外一種特殊的 事件,即帖木兒汗1405年到訛答剌後突然逝世。帖木兒原來的計劃是暫時於此
停歇,以後直達中國為了報仇打敗大元帝國的明朝勝利。此篇文章以帖木兒時 期的出土文物為本評價歷史文獻以及口史傳統上的資料,特別關於巴迪輩知縣 職工聽。

Ál-Farabı atyndaǵy Qazaq Ulttyq Ýnıversıteti Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ
ұлттық университеті Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

«Қоғамдық келісім» КММ / Institute “Public Consent” (Nur-Sultan)

Л. Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian
National University, (Nur-Sultan)

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