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Fragment F24 of the Pelliot Xixia Cave 181 Collection, National Library of France

Romain Lefebvre

Seiten 105 - 112

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/centasiaj.63.1-2.0105

This paper sets out to prove that fragment № 24 of the Tangut collection at the
National Library of France represents a unique alternative to the versions kept
at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts in St Petersburg and at the Gansu
Provincial Museum. Written by hand, rather than printed by woodblock, we can
assume that this translation was produced by means of Chinese sources. Its basis
is the dhāraṇī sūtra 羪六字增壽大明王槀羅尼經, translated by Dānapāla (Shi
Hu 施璉) in 991. The fragment was discovered by Paul Pelliot at the end of the
Qing era in the Mogao Grottoes near Dunhuang.




Université d'Artois / Artois University (Arras)

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