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Paper in Eighth-Century Kucha: Discovery of Cotton Fibres within Chinese and Kuchean Documents

Ching Chao-jung (蓉 慶昭), Enami Kazuyuki (和幸 江南), Okada Yoshihiro (至弘 岡田)

Seiten 71 - 104

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/CAJ/2020/1-2/6

This paper presents our discovery that already around the middle of the first
millennium, cotton fabrics were used in the Tarim Basin in early mediaeval
paper. Cotton mix paper was, however, not exclusive to Kucha. Our research
suggests that both the cotton and the paper were produced locally, as evidenced
by the straw and grasses found in situ. Accordingly, the
Garrison of Kucha (恤糎漃督府, the official Tang name) and the Anxi Great
Protectorate already supplied their own paper before the An Lushan Rebellion
(755–763). The earliest datable Turfan paper fragment was written in Kharoṣṭhī
in 386 CE, but there were also traces of a Sogdian letter. This suggests that
Sogdian merchants and immigrants played an important role in the spread of
Chinese paper and papermaking technology to the Tarim Basin.


本文建璐唐朝痓立之前的塔渴木盆地已經眃濠紙及棉產品ô紙做文獻包含本地 之稻粷、綿纖。從翴唐代恤糎漃督府以及安皁大漃璉府安史之亂以前眃濠縖己


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