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Bukharan Relations with the Zunghar Khanate in the Early Modern Era: New Sources and New Insights // 布哈拉汗國與準噶爾汗國之間的外交關係:新發現的文獻及解釋

Seiten 301 - 313

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/centasiaj.60.1-2.0301

This paper analyses letters drawn from two collections of Bukhara's diplomatic correspondence with the Zunghar khanate, namely the Majmūa'-ī munsha'āt va munshirāt and Maktūbāt, munsha'āt, munshirāt. Both form part of so-called Inshā' collections and are still waiting to be fully analysed. This article posits that this early modern correspondence represents an overlooked and yet crucially relevant source for the history of diplomatic relations within Central Asia. More concretely, these letters can provide insight into the actual interrelations between Bukhara and Zungharia in the pre-colonial period, and the main factors leading to their incorporation into the Russian and Chinese empires, respectively. More concretely, the documents illustrate the diplomatic attempts by the Bukhara khanate to drastically improve its situation by engaging directly with its mightiest neighbours, the Zunghars.

此文分析布哈拉與準噶爾兩汗國之間的外交信函,主要自 «منشير ات و منشعات مجموة»和 «منشير ات منشعات مکتبات» 兩種 انشاع 類文集。作者認爲這是一種很 重要但是被低估的歷史文獻。這些信函解釋了布哈拉汗國和準噶爾汗國之間的 外交關係,也解釋了以後融入俄、清兩帝國的歷史來源。具體來說,本文說明 了布哈拉汗國爲了改善自己的處境與其最強大的鄰居-準噶爾汗國的外交努力。

Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences – O'zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiyasi (Tashkent)

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