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Further Fragments of the Guanwuliangshoufo jing 癀無渱壽佛經 in Old Uyghur

Aydar Mirkamal, Peter Zieme

Seiten 273 - 292

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/CAJ/2020/1-2/14

In this paper, the authors present two fragments of the Guanwuliangshoufo
preserved at the National Library of China and at the Turfan
Collection of Berlin. GT 15–37 from the National Library of China is a
leaf from the beginning of book U 2084 and U 1843 from
Berlin are similar to GT 15–37 and can be joined into one leaf. The authors
present here an edition of these fragments as further proof that the
sūtras of Pure Land Buddhism were widely known and accepted
by Uyghurs in Turfan and Dunhuang between the 11th and
13th centuries.


以璷明以下事實ô即在11縍13世紀之橭ô吐撑番和敦煌的維吾爾族廣泛了瘝和 接受淨土教的佛經。


新疆大學 Xinjiang University (Ürümqi)

Berlin-Brandburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

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