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The Yelu Language of War and Peace: A Revised Oirad Translation of the Altai Runic Inscriptions (6th–9th centuries)

Saglar Bougdaeva

Pages 27 - 46

The Oirad translation of the Altai inscriptions on luxury items (7th–8th century) provides new evidence that the owners of these objects were Mongolic language users, who were associated with the Mongolic writing nobility through their professional status. The Oirad translation of the Onginsk epitaph inscriptions (572–587) provides new evidence of contestation between the Tobgach and Rouran Houses, which emerged from the same Yelu lineage. The Tobgach employed the Turku to destroy the Rouran, the House of the Venomous Spiders. Although Yelu polities were linguistically diverse, the language of diplomacy and culture was a Yelu dialect of the Old Mongolic language.


阿爾泰豪華品銘文唐代的瓦剌(厄魯特)譯本提供新物證創造文物的人使用蒙 古語,由於其職業與會寫蒙古文字屬於貴族階級。翁金斯克墓誌銘(572–587 公年)的瓦拉德譯本為拓跋、柔然家族之間的爭論提供明顯證據,雙家都出自 同一耶律家族。拓跋利用突厥摧毀『毒蜘蛛之家』,即柔然家族。儘管耶律社 會語言上多樣化,但外交和文化的媒體是古蒙古語的耶律方言。 關鍵詞:瓦剌、厄魯特、柔然、拓跋、突厥、耶律、蒙古語


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