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The Khocho Toñukuk Tradition in Runiform, Uyghur and Chinese Sources // 探討高昌突厥石碑和維吾爾語、中文文獻上的暾欲谷記

Pages 109 - 117


The purpose of this article will be to analyse proto-Turkic inscriptions resembling Nordic runes in terms of their contents and linguistic matters of interest. In this context, the extant inscriptions will be compared with the first systematic studies by Friedrich Wilhelm Radloff (Βасилий Βасильевич Ρáдлов) in 1910, while giving due significance to the fragmentary nature of the surviving inscriptions. While the lacunae in the majority of this material are too great to create sensible translations, an attempt will be made to approximate a collective interpretation. The documents demonstrate the collective memory of Toñukuk within Manichaean Uyghur society in the first half of the Chinese Tang period (7th–8th centuries); at least amongst the prominent Uyghur families. During the process of integration into Chinese society, the need was felt to commemorate the grandeur of the past – a sentiment to which these fragments pay tribute.

本文選取在語言學及內容上相近的北歐與原形突厥語碑文進行分析。本文將現 存碑文與一九一零年瓦西里·瓦西里耶維奇·拉德洛夫氏的研究相比較。但因 存世碑文太少,文本中空白太多,所以很難翻譯成有意義的文本,而本文也只 是嘗試作出合理的解釋。這些文本至少表達了唐代前期在早期著名摩尼教維吾 爾族家族之中對於英雄暾欲谷的集體記憶。反映了回鶻社會在唐代的漢化中試 圖造成一種同樣的民族認同的歷史痕跡。

Free University of Berlin – Freie Universität Berlin & Shanghai University – 上海大學

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